Everything I Need to Know about Life I Learned From Salt ‘N’ Pepa.
1:Opinions are Like Assholes and Everybody’s Got One.” Too many minutes were spent scrolling through social media a few weeks ago. Well last night too, because Enzo was fired from the WWE, and the whole thing is such a socail media amatuer detective trap. Anyway, a post from “Parenting” about Chrissy Teigen being Mom shamed […]
Cincinatti Zoo Tragedy
A devastating accident caused the death of a Gorilla named Harambee at the Cincinnati zoo this weekend. A curious four-year-old found a way to get into the gorilla enclosure. He got himself dragged around by a 400-pound gorilla, and got the gorilla killed. Everyone seems to have an opinion about who is to blame. The zoo […]
The Lost Art of Class
* Stupid pictures like the one above really interfere with my quest for inner peace. All my Wayne Dyer, and Hay House teachings go right out the window. I hope you enjoy or hate all my judgments about girls and inappropriate clothes. I have a serious problem with the length of shorts in 2016. Not […]
The Mommy Wars will Never End.
I hate this. We have this idea of ending the Mommy Wars,but we never ever will. Because of shit like this. This picture is a bold face lie. Regardless of your faith most people would call humanity a miracle, but it is bullshit when you tell me a kid is not a problem, burden, nuisance, […]
Find Something Real to Fight for.
I am high on my soap box today homies. Today is one of those discouraging social media days. The days when you scroll down your news feed and see 15 posts in a row about Tom Brady’s suspension being overturned. What I can’t possibly understand is why people find the need to care so much […]
Why does this Matter?
I am a fan of this whole boys embracing girls stuff era. I like that we are not being harpies about gender. The unfortunate part of this move towards androgyny is the boys will now be forced to suffer the dreaded cattiness of fashion comparison. The ball keeps on rolling toward a world full of […]
Sleep Fighters are a Real Thing.
I read an article once that said babies do not fight sleep. It was a real life Doctor who said this. He said that babies do not fight sleep. They just do not know how to sleep. Ummmmmmmm wait. You’re telling me that my baby who will brush his hand over his eyes non stop […]
Why Yes My Hands are Quite Full. Thank You For Noticing.
Scrolling through face book today I came across a post from a local business that hosts kids classes and sells a slew of fun kid stuff. It is a very cute place, unfortunately I have not found a class that suits Lady Babies need to power through life, and I miss Gymboree dearly! Moving on. […]
Hulkamania Cannot be Erased.
Hulk Hogan was my first love. When I was eight I cried for about an hour in the bathtub after he Lost to The Ultimate Warrior at Wrestlemania 6. Right before he left to go make that terrible Nanny movie. I quickly rebounded onto the Undertaker, and when I think about my favorite Wrestler growing […]
What’s Wrong With Porn?
There have been many times since raising children that I have asked Hubbs if we can go live off the grid. He always smiles at me like I am slightly crazy, and moves along in our conversation. That was until we decided to watch a Netflix documentary called Hot Girls Wanted. The film follows five […]