Cincinatti Zoo Tragedy

Harambee gorilla_1464563661481_2558069_ver1.0  A devastating accident caused the death of a Gorilla named Harambee at the Cincinnati zoo this weekend.  A curious four-year-old found a way to get into the gorilla enclosure.  He got himself dragged around by a 400-pound gorilla, and got the gorilla killed.

Everyone seems to have an opinion about who is to blame. The zoo for not having the enclosure better protected, the mom for losing sight of her child long enough for him to get into the enclosure, and the gorilla for being a gorilla. My opinion is the whole thing is grievous. The kid, the zoo, the gorilla, the gorillas room mates, the mom, the people watching it happen, the people who had to kill this majestic animal. Tragedy all around.

My main problem with this situation is how INSANE everyone is over it. Blaming whomever they see responsible for this accident, however placing blame does not un do it.

Internet yelling, huffing and puffing, and talking about how that would never be your kid (mostly by people who have no kids) None of it does any good. It just sends out more anger into the universe.

I would love to see the internet go viral for some causes we can actually come together and do something about instead of just projectile vomiting opinions. Come together and make a difference. Come together with love and not judgment. This was an accident. (Not like someone letting their bra strap hang out at work)

If you want to do something about this tragedy here are some Gorilla foundations you can donate your money to. Maybe pass up that latte in honor of Harambee and the appalling accident that took his life. I have also attached the zoo donation page, because maybe we can come together and help them secure a safer Gorilla habitat so this never happens again.



On Key

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