Middle Child

Today I felt like a bad Mother. Not for the  typical reasons one might think a stay at home mom would think she is a bad mother. I was a badass stay at home mother today;I baked muffins, made an obstacle course, snuggled up and watched Bubble Guppies, had a lively dance party that included […]

The Mommy Wars will Never End.

I hate this. We have this idea of ending the Mommy Wars,but we never ever will. Because of shit like this. This picture is a bold face lie. Regardless of your faith most people would call humanity a miracle, but it is bullshit when you tell me a kid is not a problem, burden, nuisance, […]

I Live for Myself.

When we do movie night we have to do a double feature. Lady Baby gets first choice, and she is all about Rapunzel these days. Listening to the tune “Mother Knows Best” The Hubbs says “Can you imagine having a mother like that?” I said sure. I know a lot of Parents who never wanted […]

Kittens Make Everything Better.

OG claims to adore football. He has posters, hats, shirts, foot ball cards for days, and a Nerf football he keeps on his special shelves. Nothing is cuter then watching him cheer for his Dads favorite football team. Even if that team is the Miami Dolphins. Mind you, when a game is actually on he […]

These are the Days of My Life.

My favorite days are the days when we don’t leave the house. When we all stay in our pajamas, and if we need to change due to a science experiment going a bit bonkers  we just change into more pajamas. There is in hour in time where the costumes burst out of their toy chest. […]

6 Sucks.

 OG Baby is a pain in the ass. More of a pain in the ass than he has been since he was a sleep fighting baby. Most days I find myself constantly telling him to stop doing the same things I have taught him not to do since he was a toddler. I am in […]

My Kids Have No College Fund.

Standing in line this weekend at Target with my brood of children the cashier laughed and said “Wow you guys are in for it when they get to college huh? I simply said no. We do not intend to pay for college. He looked at me bewildered, as if this is something I haven’t thought […]

6 Things That You Miss When You Have Lots Of Kids.

1. Tv binging on the sofa half naked surrounded by snacks. The Hubbs and I are counting down the days until Orange is the New Black season three is ready to stream. We will have to watch it in broken pieces on the nights that there isn’t work to do, or I don’t fall asleep […]