Snowflakes are the Problem
I think Snowflakes are the Problem. I remember hearing the quote about snowflakes, you know the one that says they look the same far away, but up close they are all different. This made us all want to embrace our uniqueness like the beautiful, majestc, glistening, flake of weather we are. I remember loving this […]
Passion on the Cards
The theme of Passion keeps coming up in my tarot readings. Passion on the cards. Reminding me that learning to read your own cards comes with so many annoying things. Like having to live with concepts you cannot understand yet. Things you dont want to touch yet. Safely stacked tucked away closets of things not […]
Feeling Good
I never feel good unless I am doing something right. What a strange sentence. Right to whose standard? Feels good to whose standards? The sentence is a trap. But, it is how I feel. I love being “right” not on subjects, or opinions that turn out to be facts later. I love being right to […]
My Marriage is Pretty Special.
My Marriage is pretty special. It always was something special, but before I lived Astrology I would get so mad at my husband for things that he still does, but look totally normal under the lens of his birth chart placements. After Astrology I was like oh shit.-Im doing this wrong, but so right for […]
We’ve all got Ghosts
We’ve all got Ghosts. Ghosts linger in our energetic atmosphere, and not the kind that need salt and iron to banish. In reality all these horror characters are just our real lives crying out for a more dramatic reprise. People stay haunted by the ghosts of their trauma. Safe guarding our hearts by locking the […]
Healing is a Buzz Word that Sucks.
Healing is a buzz word that sucks. Our human journeys are plagued with invitations to “heal” You ever notice that? Crystal healing, Energy Healing, Healing Arts. Even things not meant to heal and are riddled with toxic chemicals are marketed as “healing” Try this skin care product it will heal your insecurity about discoloration, and […]
Things I’m Still in Love With
I was thinking of the things I’m still in love with, and with me talking so much about how I am different, I didn’t want you to think I wasn’t the same at all. I’m still very much the same. I still love wrestling, read voraciously, move my house around every few weeks, eat too […]
Almost 36
I get caught up in my head all the time. I lose my ground, or hand it away sometimes, without noticing I did that. I usually have to be dragged out of places, Once you get me on the road I am a monster at life, but getting me out of the places I find […]
The Patriarchy.
My Grandmother for weeks now, has been recounting the day my Grandpa died on our Sunday visits. It started when I asked her if I could buy her a new bed. She told me she has not slept in a bed in nineteen years, because my Grandfather died in it. I know that not sleeping […]
Monica Said There Would Be Days Like This.
I have a book in my bathroom called “14,000 things to be happy about.” It was a Christmas gift from my Aunt who had just been diagnosed with cancer. This Aunt was a very thoughtful gift giver, and inside she wrote: “ Janika, Of all my nieces and nephews, you’re the one always spreading cheer […]