Somewhere I Belong.

Yesterday Hubbs and I had a  very rare opportunity to leave the house for an hour while the sun was still out. We decided to head down to the beach and get some chowder. This is Rhode Island after all. On our way to the sand I thought of my cousin who is more like […]

PMS With No Period and Other Marvels of Breast Feeding.

PMS with no period. I have no idea what kind of whack a do hormones are swirling around in my body, but holy God in heaven I am still a raging too much progesterone monster every two weeks with no period to dull the anger. I stand in front of the baking cabinet shoving chocolate […]

6 Things I learned as a First Time Kindergarten Mom.

   There is only one week of school left.  Next week I will walk into a cafeteria and watch my first baby graduate Kindergarten. Long gone are the days that it was just the two of us. Spending all day together doing chores, going out on adventures, and taking mid day naps snuggled up against […]

6 Things That You Miss When You Have Lots Of Kids.

1. Tv binging on the sofa half naked surrounded by snacks. The Hubbs and I are counting down the days until Orange is the New Black season three is ready to stream. We will have to watch it in broken pieces on the nights that there isn’t work to do, or I don’t fall asleep […]

I Am Really Good at Being Fat

I have been a fat girl since I was 7. I spent my elementary school years in a small catholic school where I was bullied by a pack of assholes every day up until their parents couldn’t afford to send them to catholic school anymore. They were shipped off to public school when I was […]

I Only Feel Fat and Ugly on the Inside.

I only feel ugly on the inside. When I have a list of things a pile high that I want to accomplish.  Fumbling around the house with a million projects at the starting point. I only feel fat on the inside. I can feel the weight of the tasks transforming into rolled up skin and […]