The Lost Art of Class
* Stupid pictures like the one above really interfere with my quest for inner peace. All my Wayne Dyer, and Hay House teachings go right out the window. I hope you enjoy or hate all my judgments about girls and inappropriate clothes. I have a serious problem with the length of shorts in 2016. Not […]
This Girl Talks Wrestling.
One of the things people find most surprising about me is my adoration for professional wrestling. I was introduced to it by my parents who never missed a PPV, and it just stuck. I mean really every hypothetical famous person fantasy I have ever had centers around me as wrestler. Her name is Faith, and […]
Randy Orton.
[fruitful_sep] Oh, Wrestling. Most girls look at me like I have lost my mind when I can dive into conversation about the world of Sports entertainment, but really what is there not to like? Mostly hot men jumping around half naked = YUMMY No other sport gives you […]