let it flow

Day One

Every day more and more I get to know that all these memories from the beautiful, the traumatic and even the indifferent can still come with me even if I flood this valley and stop watering the flowers in vases by the graves. 

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evelyn and the paper dolls

Evelyn & The Paper Dolls

Maybe being, feeling, wanting -it all ebbs and flows, so I  shouldn’t want to settle on anything.  Maybe I am Just supposed to try lots of stuff on. Opinions, thoughts, feelings, and ideas, try them on and see how they feel, and I shouldn’t let any of those be set in stone, only On paper for my big art journal or for the wall!

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Jae Arel

Snowflakes are the Problem

I think Snowflakes are the Problem. I remember hearing the quote about snowflakes, you know the one that says they look the same far away, but up close they are all different. This made us all want to embrace our uniqueness like the beautiful, majestc,

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real friends
Becoming a Mama

Real Friends

My Daughter turned 10 early this year, and I noticed her start to change the way she treated her friendships. I of course turned to television for further guidance on how to pursue the matter of explaining the coming issues she would bring to me

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Turning 40

  Turning 40 was well, I would say my welcome to the fourth floor was pretty rough. Let’s be real, every flipping welcome to adulthood moment has been rough for me, because I go through everything like I am falling through a huge plate glass

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here we go again

Here We Go Again

We all do Stupid things we wish we would stop doing. Cue Here We Go Again from DMX, and mount up for another cycle of oh its this problem again…. I cannot tell you how many times your girl (me) picks up the four of

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It is Definitely an Energy Thing.

It is Definitely an Energy Thing Did you know that just walking by someone on the sidewalk for a moment means that person  is walking through your energy field? Stretch your arms out to the side. Imagine a circle as big as your arms can

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Passion on the Cards

The theme of Passion keeps coming up in my tarot readings. Passion on the cards. Reminding me that learning to read  your  own cards comes with so many annoying things. Like having to live with concepts you cannot understand yet. Things you dont want to

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