
my latest thoughts

The Lost Art of Class

bra strap

* Stupid pictures like the one above really interfere with my quest for inner peace. All my Wayne Dyer, and Hay House teachings go right out the window. I hope you enjoy or hate all my judgments about girls and inappropriate clothes.

I have a serious problem with the length of shorts in 2016. Not because I am afraid some boy is going to look at my daughter as a sexual object, because even if she dressed in Mormon attire they would still look at her as a sexual object.

A teenage boy is a teenage boy after all.

Has society forgotten the science behind teenage boys hormones? As soon as the kids balls drop he is warding off sexual thoughts about EVERY female.

I have a problem with the length of shorts because they are too fucking short.

I wouldn’t be sending a girl home  from school because of the boys, I would be sending her home because wearing shorts with the pocket inserts hanging out  is crass and despicable. We are talking about girls at school. School is not a place to show off your assets, or latest fashion trends it is a place to learn. In reality, those shorts are not distracting the boys they are distracting the girl. A girls  choice in attire is a good predictor of her entire attitude toward her education.

What you wear does matter. There is an entire foundation called dress for success for a reason. Booty shorts and bra straps don’t go very well on the success menu.

I’m sad that Americans forgot this. That we call it slut and body shaming.

We have kicked self-respect in the balls and pump our fists at empowerment.

Let’s be serious for a minute. I was a teenage girl. I was a teenage girl with some of the best breasts you have ever seen in a shirt. I knew this, and I would purposefully show them off to get the boys to look.

  The problem is that these girls are not wearing sexy clothes because they are proud of their bodies. They are doing it because they want the boys to look. Girls are born with something most men will never possess and it’s power is intoxicating, sex appeal. If you don’t believe me just go grab the R Kelly Jay-Z album “Best of Both Worlds” and listen to the last song.

These girls choosing to dress like this are not the girls who have admiration and respect for their human body. How many teenage girls, college kids included that choose scantily clad attire are proud of their bodies?!?!  These are the girls getting loaded at parties so people like them. The ones who barely like themselves, the ones up on some ratchet bar three shots in half naked in a hot body contest so people will cheer for them, and every guest on Jerry Springer. The girls that are proud of their bodies  for the right reasons actually wear clothes.

We live in a world of sight. Sexy things will turn people on, and get them thinking sexually. Allow me to introduce an example here.  When Randy Orton walks down a WWE ramp in a t-shirt and his spandex briefs I cannot help but go into pervert mode. Because hi, this long lengthy man has a t-shirt hem sitting right at crotch level, and it is so delicious that I find it hard to control myself. Do I think he does that on purpose to get the girls on board? Of course, I do (and it works for you Randy so don’t stop now, and if you could not lose the facial hair upon your return that would be greatly appreciated)

We are teaching girls to sexualize themselves, rather than have some class. Woman with  self-respect do not show off their ass going to work. They do that in a strategic way for SPECIAL PEOPLE!

Letting our girls think it is ok to let their under garments hang out at the ripe age of fifteen is atrocious. Fifteen is not picking short shorts and thongs because she feels empowered. She is picking those particular items to get the third Jaden in her Geometry class to pay attention to her, attention she doesn’t even really want because promoting yourself in hoe bag clothes gets you treated like a hoe bag.

How about we teach teenage girls to wear power suits, witty t-shirts, and some bad ass tight jeans. How about we teach them to lace up some combat boots and tell these boys that the goods are not for free. The goods take work. They take flowers, and long conversations that last until one of the participants falls asleep. The goods take respect, honor, and loyalty. They do not get activated by some tool shed beeping a horn because your ass cheek is hanging out of your barely legal shorts, or some douche nozzle who is talking to your chest instead of your face.

Put some clothes on ladies. All the woman with the power to change the world did it with their clothes on.

Go hang up pictures of Harriet Tubman and Mother Teresa and burn you Kardashian altar.

You don’t need to be a sexualised version of yourself to get the right boy to look at you, or to get the right people to pay attention to you.

Listen, if you’re an aspiring porn star, stripper, or reality tv starlet keep rocking those underwear disguised as shorts. Please, own your craft. I respect a girl on a mission. For the rest of the girls put some fucking clothes on!

Let’s not even mention the bra strap thing. If your bra strap is showing so is your level of class. I can’t even with that one. 

jae arel
Written by

Jae Arel



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