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The Hermit Tarot Card

The Hermit Tarot Card Meaning

The Hermit Tarot Card: Solitude, Soul-Searching, and That Virgo Vibe

Ah, The Hermit—card number 9 in the Major Arcana, and quite possibly the most relatable card for anyone who’s ever needed a break from literally everything. This card isn’t about sad, lonely vibes; it’s about intentional solitude. Think less “Nobody likes me, I’m eating worms” and more “I need a weekend alone in a cabin with my thoughts, a journal, and an aggressively oversized sweater.”

Ruled by Virgo, The Hermit brings that classic Virgo energy—introspective, methodical, and determined to analyze every feeling, thought, and shadowy corner of their soul until clarity emerges. But instead of organizing spice racks or color-coding their bookshelves, The Hermit organizes their mind.

So, grab your metaphorical lantern, we’re going on an inner journey. Don’t worry, no hiking boots required.

The Hermit Upright: Time to Get Real Quiet, Real Fast

When The Hermit shows up upright in a reading, it’s not an invitation to binge-watch Netflix solo for the weekend (though, respect if you do). Instead, this card asks you to step back from the noise of the world and tune into you.

This is your reminder that the answers you’re seeking aren’t in someone else’s advice, your friend’s hot takes, or even your carefully curated Pinterest boards. They’re inside you. But—and here’s the catch—you’ve got to get quiet enough to hear them.

Upright Themes:

  • Introspection and self-reflection
  • Seeking deeper truths
  • Soul-searching vibes
  • A temporary retreat from external chaos
  • Spiritual growth and inner wisdom

How it might show up in real life:

  • You suddenly feel the urge to delete social media apps for a week.
  • That journal on your nightstand starts looking really appealing.
  • You’re asking yourself, “What do I actually want?” instead of just going along with everyone else.

Advice from The Hermit: Stop scrolling, stop asking everyone else for their opinion, and start listening to your inner voice. It knows what’s up.

The Hermit Reversed: Is This Solitude or Isolation?

When The Hermit flips upside down, things get a little trickier. Are you embracing solitude, or are you straight-up hiding? Are you taking time to heal, or are you avoiding the hard stuff by pulling away entirely?

This card reversed can signal that you’ve gone too deep into your cave, and it might be time to step back out into the world—at least for a little while.

Reversed Themes:

  • Loneliness or feeling cut off
  • Avoiding self-reflection
  • Stuck in your own head
  • Fear of facing your inner truth
  • Disconnection from others and yourself

How it might show up in real life:

  • You’ve been ghosting everyone, and not in a cute, mysterious way.
  • You’re overthinking everything to the point of paralysis.
  • Every “self-care” day has turned into a full-on avoidance marathon.

Advice from Reversed Hermit: Solitude is powerful, but isolation? Not so much. If you’ve been hiding from hard truths or avoiding people who care about you, it’s time to take a small step back into connection.

Astrological Pairing: Virgo Energy in The Hermit Card

Virgo is the sign of analysis, self-improvement, and practical wisdom, and boy, does it shine through in The Hermit. Like Virgo, The Hermit doesn’t shy away from asking the tough questions or doing the internal work.

Virgo energy also has a knack for finding meaning in the small details—the little “aha!” moments that come when you finally let yourself sit in silence.

But let’s be real: Virgo can also overthink things to the moon and back. That’s why The Hermit serves as a gentle nudge to keep the purpose of solitude in mind. Are you seeking wisdom, or are you building walls?

Virgo + The Hermit Energy Tips:

  • Journal it out. Virgo loves lists, structure, and analysis—use them to clarify your thoughts.
  • Don’t overthink every single detail. Not every “why” needs an answer right now.
  • Trust yourself. Virgo energy can lean toward self-criticism, but The Hermit asks you to believe in your own wisdom.

The Hermit in Tarot Card Pairings: Who’s Showing Up in Your Cave?

Tarot cards are storytellers, and The Hermit changes depending on who’s sharing the spotlight. Here are some key combinations:

  • The Hermit + The Strength: You’re being asked to go inward, but gently. No forcing answers—trust the process.
  • The Hermit + The Wheel of Fortune: A turning point is coming, but you need clarity before you act. Pause, reflect, then move.
  • The Hermit + The Lovers: Are you retreating from connection or avoiding an important conversation? Time to get honest.
  • The Hermit + The Moon: Deep emotions and subconscious fears might be rising. Sit with them—don’t run away.

So, What’s The Real Takeaway from The Hermit?

Listen, The Hermit isn’t here to tell you to abandon your responsibilities and disappear into the wilderness. It’s here to remind you that sometimes the only way forward is inward.

Whether upright or reversed, The Hermit is your permission slip to take a breath, slow down, and get brutally honest with yourself. Virgo energy encourages you to seek clarity, but it also gently nudges you to stop overthinking every little detail.

Questions to Ask Yourself When The Hermit Appears:

  • Am I seeking solitude for clarity, or am I avoiding something?
  • What truth am I afraid to face right now?
  • What’s one thing I can do today to reconnect with myself?

The Hermit isn’t lonely; they’re focused. They know that sometimes, the loudest answers come from the quietest places.

So go ahead—light your lantern, take a deep breath, and start walking that inner path. It’s not as scary as it seems, and trust me, you’ll thank yourself later.

jae arel
Written by

Jae Arel



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