
my latest thoughts

The Days are Long the Years are Short.

disneyI read a lot of witty articles about Mothering young children.

There is a common theme in most of the bad day ones.

The days where you are in the grocery store parking lot with two crying babies, and a miserable looking 6 year old, and the old lady who walks by says

“Chin up kid it wont be like this forever.”

This simple phrase makes the author over the top annoyed, as if for that moment she does not want to be reminded that she is being a brat.

As you can tell those articles don’t resonate with me.

I appreciate a reminder to change me perspective when I need to.

Yesterday was a shitty day.

3 out of 4 of the kids were assholes.

I’m not sure how much I have said about my rescue kid.

Yes I call my adopted kid a rescue kid, go ahead and tell me he isn’t a pet. I am aware of that. He eats at the table, and sleeps in his own room so I know he is not a pet.

One of my cousins who happens to be a stand up comic made a reference one day like why do we only rescue pets, and not kids. Isn’t it like rescuing a kid when you save them from a life of group home misery?

I agreed. So Uncle Jassy is my rescue kid.

Uncle Jassy is a sweet kid with a slew of baggage, and for some reason this week the baggage has bust open and hit the fan.

OG ran into a bout of diarrhea. He is not much of a complainer of sickness, but yesterday he was on a quest to see how far he could push me. He took Lady Baby down stairs to play. Where they went into the in-law apartment and let a few cats escape, Lady Baby whacked him for no reason and he whacked her back. It was like  shit was clogged  in his ears.

And Lets no forget Lady Baby who went out with her Papa for a donut and came back a  rabid ,wild animal.

Yesterday sucked.  S-U-C-K-E-D

If drinking hard liquor didn’t make me sick, and I wasn’t breast feeding I would have done shots of vodka until I passed out on the kitchen floor, and let these beasts fend for themselves.

Instead I finally bought the beginner set of essential oils I have been wanting.

The only thing that keeps me from  jumping over the edge, and losing my shit on days like yesterday is that Darius Rucker song playing over and over in my head.

“It won’t be like this for long. One day they will be all grown up and gone.”

I won’t even remember the days whereI wanted to kick it mid evil style and light them on fire in the back yard.

So if you see me on the verge of a nervous breakdown when I am out with these kids feel free to remind me to calm the fuck down, and take a few deep breaths.  Please tell me to stop wishing away the moment even if it sucks, because it is still a moment I got to spend with my babies.

Never build a house under a rain cloud.

Bring your own sunshine, or let that little old nosey lady remind you where to find it.


jae arel
Written by

Jae Arel



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