
my latest thoughts

OG Baby

og baby

My first son was ten days late. I was 27 at the time. Still eating Burger King, and drinking Diet soda. I was 290 pounds, and miserable. By the time the 8th day came I told my Dr I wanted this babies eviction notice.

When it came to labor I had no idea what to expect. I didn’t bother attending  a birth class I relied on the fact that there was an epidural so it would be a breeze.

Like most planned inductions we went in at night.  They hooked me up to the machines and we got the ball rolling with the cervix dilating cream. By the early morning my contractions were  steadily going nowhere so they hooked up the pitocin. At this point in my life I used to say Hell had to be working at Walmart, but since pitocin I now know hell is working at Walmart while being hooked up to pitocin. The pit got the party started and by 5cm I was crying for my epidural.

Things no one tells you about epidurals.

1. If you’re fat they have a harder time getting it int he sweet spot.

2. They don’t always work like you think they are going to.

My epidural made  half of my body feel like heaven, while the other side felt like it was being run over by a garbage truck.

By the late afternoon we were running into some problems.  I was stuck at 8cm.My heart rate and blood pressure were through the roof, and the babies numbers were getting in the danger zone. After a very awkward, scary for my husband half hour of flipping me around, oxygen masks and a room full of 7 medical professionals the Dr told me we should do a C section.  The rolled me out of the room a little past 5pm.

OG baby  was trying to choke himself out during birth. His umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck. My first little man was untied, shown to me and then taken away. I was wheeled to recovery, high as hell and babiless. When I finally got to my room Hubbs handed me our baby; my first  emotionless thought was oh he’s cute. When the nurse asked if we wanted him to go to the nursery for a bit so we could sleep I said yes please. I had no emotional reaction to my baby until the next morning. Once my body had processed out all the drugs. I was also introduced to what it feels like the day after you get cut in half.  If you end up with a section and your a first timer I recommend holding your stomach as you cough. That first cough will traumatize you otherwise.

6 years ago the breast feeding push wasn’t as heavy as it is now, and I honestly had no desire to try as hard as they were telling me I had to to feed the baby. Formula. Yes please.   They taught us how to swaddle, change a diaper, and give him a bath.

I begged my Dr. to let me out early. I ‘m not a fan of the hospital. I love the hospital where I had my babies, but I hate being there. I want to go home to my own bed. He told me If I could take a shower I could leave. The shower  was down the hall and around the corner.  As usual I underestimated how painful  this would be, and said no problem in my ultra cocky Im a boss voice.  That walk, and subsequent shower were horrific. I honestly thought I was going to die at least twice. I did however accomplish this feat, and as promised he let me out a day early. We packed up our baby and hit the road.

Becoming a Mother was more of a fall then a step. I was sad, the baby cried all the time, I was aggravated with the demand, I was exhausted.  One day in the early weeks Nash cried the entire day. To the point that I broke down and cried right with him. After an extensive search on baby center message boards I tried some baby gas x.  From that day forward the baby got a dose in every bottle . I was resolved to have no more children after OG baby, but life happens while you are out making other plans.

jae arel
Written by

Jae Arel



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