Motherhood From Where I Sit.

 Something about the Spring seems to make kids grow faster. As soon as Spring finally dug her heels in and decided to stay all three of my babies leveled up into new phases of life. My last baby is stepping into toddler-hood. His vocabulary has grown exponentially. This week alone he has added several words to his […]

It Feels Like Home to Me.

 I’m back in School, which is another post in itself, but I don’t think I am feeling authentic enough to write it yet. I wanted to share the paper I turned in for a writing assignment. The task was to describe your ideal home. I am hoping this assignment did a little manifesting, because as […]

Oh Shit.

I am a firm believer that sadness, resentment, and disappointment are all feelings that we choose. Some things are for real sad, catastrophicly sad, Earth shattering zombie apocalypse sad ,and we should be sad about them for as long as we need to be in order to move on from them. However, most things are […]

A Real Life Oprah Ah Ha Moment.

Today was one of those days when a revelation comes rushing at you. The blog. I started the blog because some version of myself living in my head is smart as fuck. The one who must sit in there ,constantly rolling her eyes at all the dumb ass things we do. The one who knows […]

Growing Pains

If you haven’t seen Inside Out you should. In the movie all the emotions Anger, Joy, Fear, and Disgust are inside the main characters brain responding to situations, and storing memories. In my own head I have always pictured all the versions of myself living in my brain, responding to situations. 4 Year old Janika […]

Step Back to go Forward.

I have been going through a social media step back. I don’t know if you ever have those times in your life when you need to disengage from your social media and watch the real lines of your life come back into a solid view. I love Social Media. I love being able to see […]

I Am Not My Hair.

As a little girl my Mom kept my hair as long as she possibly could. My second grade school picture my long straight black hair is down to my waist. I hated every minute of this long hair situation. Mostly because my Mom treated my head like it was not attached to any nerve endings. […]

Ten Reasons I Love My Husband.

 Today is my 8 year wedding Anniversary! At this time 8 years ago I was sitting in a salon chair getting my veil secured to my head. I have had some trouble figuring out when to write lately. I have traded in my 5am pump for some sleep, and I have left you guys lonely. […]

Real Wedding Advice.

So many of my loves are getting engaged.I went in search of my engagement ring from the rush of nostalgia it has all brought on. In a week or so I will celebrate my 8th marriage anniversary.I know to all the 15 plus year people you are rolling your eyes, like” Ohhh 8 years what […]

Profound Thoughts on Sunflowers.

I love sunflowers. I love the way the orange and yellow combine to make a near perfect color. The way the center looks like the perfect place to see a honey bee keeping the world alive. Sunflowers are about the only flower that can make my heart ache with sadness when they die. They get […]