How to Deal with The Polar Vortex in Your Life.

“8 Toxic People to Remove From Your Life.”  I can save you the trouble of reading it and let you know the count down. 1. Judgmental people 2. Envious people 3. Control Freaks 4. Arrogant People 5. People who love to be the Victim 6. Negative Nancies 7. Liars 8. Gossipers. Now these articles get […]

Oh Shit.

I am a firm believer that sadness, resentment, and disappointment are all feelings that we choose. Some things are for real sad, catastrophicly sad, Earth shattering zombie apocalypse sad ,and we should be sad about them for as long as we need to be in order to move on from them. However, most things are […]


I do not like to share my children. To the point that I want to pull OG out of school and home school the rest of the year, because I find  his first grade experience thus far to be lack luster. My child does not need to spend 6 hours in a loveless place. My […]

A Real Life Oprah Ah Ha Moment.

Today was one of those days when a revelation comes rushing at you. The blog. I started the blog because some version of myself living in my head is smart as fuck. The one who must sit in there ,constantly rolling her eyes at all the dumb ass things we do. The one who knows […]

I Live for Myself.

When we do movie night we have to do a double feature. Lady Baby gets first choice, and she is all about Rapunzel these days. Listening to the tune “Mother Knows Best” The Hubbs says “Can you imagine having a mother like that?” I said sure. I know a lot of Parents who never wanted […]

Growing Pains

If you haven’t seen Inside Out you should. In the movie all the emotions Anger, Joy, Fear, and Disgust are inside the main characters brain responding to situations, and storing memories. In my own head I have always pictured all the versions of myself living in my brain, responding to situations. 4 Year old Janika […]

Step Back to go Forward.

I have been going through a social media step back. I don’t know if you ever have those times in your life when you need to disengage from your social media and watch the real lines of your life come back into a solid view. I love Social Media. I love being able to see […]

Kittens Make Everything Better.

OG claims to adore football. He has posters, hats, shirts, foot ball cards for days, and a Nerf football he keeps on his special shelves. Nothing is cuter then watching him cheer for his Dads favorite football team. Even if that team is the Miami Dolphins. Mind you, when a game is actually on he […]

Compassion is so Last Season.

 I had a social media friend post a pic of a sticker on a Walmart door that was basically reminding you not to forget your baby in the hot car. People were pretty positive they would never do such a thing, and were asking who could possibly forget the baby in the car other than […]

Go the F to Sleep.

Oh man. Last Baby has been giving us a run for our money in the sleep department. The little shit has just been rolling around his crib for first nap, sleeping for an hour and a half for second nap, and getting up every few hours at night. I have no idea what it is. […]